

Sunday, April 2, 2023

10 Things You Never Thought To Buy On Ebay By Abdul Rahim Khurram


10 Things You Never Thought To Buy On Ebay By Abdul Rahim Khurram

I'll admit that my friends and family members have ribbed me about my eBay purchases on occasion. In fact, there isn't a single item I buy that I don't at least attempt to purchase on eBay first. What's the harm in trying? At any given time, there are thousands (if not millions) of eBay listings available, making it an incredible resource for just about everything you can think of. For every item you purchase on eBay, there's almost certainly another item you didn't consider before purchasing it. In order to get you started, here's a list of ten things you've (probably) never considered purchasing on eBay:

1. It is possible to receive a discount on postage stamps, and this is something that you should look into! When organisations or individuals purchase a large quantity of stamps for a mailing, they frequently do not use all of the stamps that they purchased. Because the United States Postal Service does not buy back stamps, selling on eBay is an excellent option. Generally speaking, you may expect to pay between 80 percent and 90 percent of face value, with the larger savings coming from a larger order number.

2. Timeshares: Real estate, particularly timeshares, is quite popular on eBay. As long as you are diligent in reading all of the fine print and make your purchase from a reliable seller, you should be able to enjoy a good trip at an even better price. A vast range of locations, amenities, and pricing options are readily available for you to select from.

3. Topping out your supply of Advil, Visine, Airborne, or Mylanta is a simple matter of visiting your local pharmacy. Nearly all of my over-the-counter medications are purchased on eBay. It's almost always far less expensive, and you can also look for generic or store-brand alternatives. I save hundreds of dollars a year as a result of this practise.

4. Fourth, there are some colours and brands of makeup that I am committed to using on a consistent basis. It's simple to look for these on eBay and buy them in bulk or at a discount if you want to save money. Also useful for finding out about discontinued hues that you absolutely adore and can't live without! I created a search for my favourite discontinued items and saved it so that I would be notified by email anytime an auction matching my criteria was posted. Despite the fact that a certain shade of lipstick was discontinued several years ago, I've been able to keep using it for years.

5. Fifth, I observe a lot of people who sell on eBay utilising padded envelopes or other supplies from the United States Postal Service (USPS) — not the free Priority or Express mail goods, but the pricey supplies available at post offices. If you know you'll be selling more than a few products, you should purchase your materials on eBay. There are fantastic savings to be gained on bubble mailers, bubble sheets, labels, and other items.

6. Spices: Yes, spices for the kitchen! Every morning, I eat oatmeal with a liberal dose of pumpkin pie spice to give it a pumpkin-pie-like flavour. Every time I went to the supermarket and bought a small container of it, I was paying at least $3. Thanks to an eBay vendor I was able to purchase ten times the volume of product for only half the price!

7. Gift Cards: If you purchase at a particular retailer on a regular basis, it pays (literally) to look through the gift certificates section on eBay. Gift cards are frequently resold by people who aren't interested in using them, and you may often get a decent deal on them. Certain more popular stores sell for approximately 100% of their face value, while others sell for 70% to 90% of their face value, depending on the store's popularity. If you're going to spend the money at the store anyhow, why not get a gift card and save a few dollars in the process? I prefer to think of it as "free money!"

8. Food: The food category on eBay is extremely large and diverse. Among the many items available are your favourite international candies, soda kinds that are not available locally, freshly baked cookies that taste just like mom's, protein bars and elegant desserts, among other things. However, a word of caution: searching for food on eBay can leave you feeling peckish!

9. Massage Appointments: These are typically accessible in the gift vouchers section of the website. A lot of spas and massage treatment centres will provide reduced gift certificates for massages in order to attract new customers. You can locate a wonderful offer as long as you are cautious in your research and ensure that the location is legitimate. My amazing one-hour massage cost only $35, which was a great deal for me.

10th, magazine subscriptions: Magazines make money by selling advertisements, and they may charge higher prices for their advertisements if they have a larger number of subscribers. As a result, they will be able to sell a large number of memberships to brokers at extremely low costs. A large number of these brokers offer their wares on eBay. Consider the possibility of purchasing a year's subscription to your favourite magazine for only $3! It normally takes four to eight weeks for them to take effect, but the wait is well worth it.

Hopefully, these suggestions have provided you with a starting point for exploring the huge range of methods you can save money on a regular basis by making purchases on eBay. Good luck with your bidding!


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