

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Chinese elements By Abdul Rahim Khurram


Chinese elements By Abdul Rahim Khurram

According to some researchers, Chinese astrology is the world's oldest horoscope system, dating back thousands of years. However, if you trace the origins of Western Astrology back to the Middle East, you will find that both types are likely to have been born in their current recognizable form around 3000 years BC; however, they come from vastly different origins, traditions, and geographical locations around the world than one another.

The 12 animals are additionally flavored by the element that pervades the year in which they were born (elements also revolve as a separate cycle). It is stated that Buddha is responsible for the 12 animals as they were the only ones that came to wish him farewell into the next life.

Chinese Astrology is concerned with nature and its features, the signs progress year by year, whereas Western Astrology cycles weekly. In this subject, the examination of Yin and Yang has a significant impact. Whereas Yin represents the passive, female, and receptive, Yang represents the assertive, male, and exploring qualities. A fundamentally Oriental viewpoint and quest, the various permutations of these two fundamental forces in nature, places, organizations, events, and humanity, and the quest to achieve balance so that both operate together in harmony rather than opposing or cancelling each other out, are at the heart of many Far Eastern traditions and other influences on Chinese society, such as Feng Shui.

The 12 Animal Signs are : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The animal ruling year in which you were born has a major influence on your life.

This is the animal that hides in your heart, according to Chinese proverb.

There are five elements represented by the animal sign: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, each of which adds a nuance of almost tactile character to the sign.

It is based on the Chinese0calendar year of your birth or the year of an event in order to perform Chinese0astrology correctly. There are also many additional intricacies affecting the month and day.


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