

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Get in Shape with Ballroom Dancing By Abdul rahim khurram


Get in Shape with Ballroom Dancing By Abdul rahim khurram

This season's "Dancing with the Stars" had nearly everyone hooked on dancing. It's the music, the dances, the competition, and the judges' sarcastic responses. But there's something else about professional dancers' bodies. No professional dancer had an ounce of fat on their bodies. You saw ripped abs, arms, and legs. Ballroom dancing is one of the best physical fitness programs available.

Ballroom dancing is more than a moonlit slow dance. Ballroom dancing includes twirls, kicks, twists, and bends. In fact, ballroom dancing allows you to move your body in ways that even an aerobics class cannot.

The gym is intimidating to most people who want to get fit or lose weight. People with better bodies surround you, and you often find yourself waiting for machines or struggling to keep up in classes. Ballroom dancing is a great way to exercise while having fun with your partner or spouse. Unfortunately, some people remain inactive because they cannot find a suitable physical activity.

Ballroom dancing can burn as much fat and calories as a gym session, if not more. Depending on the style, you can burn 200-400 calories. For example, the foxtrot or waltz burn around 200 calories. This is like a 30 minute elliptical or a brisk walk in the park. A jive or paso doble, on the other hand, can burn over 400 calories, comparable to a step aerobics class.

While treadmill walking and crunches are well-known exercises, they only target certain body parts, leaving you to work harder to cover the rest. Ballroom dancing literally works every major muscle group. Dancing is a great way to get results quickly.

If you don't have a partner, don't let that stop you from gliding around the dance floor. You may meet great friends or more in many classes if you arrive early. Ballroom dancers have more fun and tend to dance longer, extending their workout. So ditch your walking shoes and dance your way into shape!


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