

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Reading activities By Abdul Rahim Khurram


Reading activities By Abdul Rahim Khurram

In a world that is slowly but steadily moving away from books and becoming increasingly addicted to computer or television screens, the importance of cultivating a love of reading cannot be overstated. Reading is a habit that should be instilled in children from an early age and should be encouraged. What actions can you take to encourage this behavior?

Enroll your child in after-school reading lessons: There are numerous well-structured after-school reading classes that are designed to get children interested in reading and literature. They assist children with their diction, idioms, and phrases. These programs, which include animated characters and visuals, can be entertaining for young children. Picture books with illustrations, rhymes, amusing songs, and pretend stories are all appealing to young children. Make use of your imagination to captivate the child's active imagination.

Create an interest in the reader in your child's favorite character by selecting a whole series of books that highlight this figure as a main protagonist. Spiderman was the character of choice for my son. My son, thanks to a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, became interested in comic books quite early in his youth.

Create a home library: A skill like reading is not one that can be learned in a vacuum. Make sure you don't delegate all of your hard work to the after-school program. Choose novels that you believe your youngster will like reading. Additionally, the Internet provides a plethora of reading games that will entice young children to pursue the noble pursuit of reading.


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